11 June 2005

Shock and awe?

I attended a meeting in college today and the overall mood of the committee turned from happy and joyful to plain dreadful and speechless. Every sub-comm. head is supposed to present our work and budget to the directors of the college for approval. Things were going fine until one department presented their plans for their part of the events. I have to admit I was impressed with their proposal. But like what some of the directors said, it is a huge risk running the that small part of the event.

With that being said, the directors proposed that the committee discuss about this matter hoping to weigh the pros and cons before proceeding. After the directors left the meeting room. The debate took a turn and things got worst. That departmental head who proposed the risky idea, fought very hard to promote the ideas, saying it is for the best of the event as all gains are divided to the other departments too. The coordinator said that it still has a lot of flaws. And at that moment, things got personal.

That departmental head started stating that she worked so hard to get it done, and she don't see it in the rest of us. And on and on and on she went. Most of the things she said, just cancelled all the praises we got from the directors. Thank goodness the secretary, although obvious that the damage was done, said that she should stop, before it becomes personal.

I felt a little out of place there and then. And I would love to defend my committee against such attack. No doubt that departmental head has the passion for doing her work, but it became personal for her when the idea was not well received (it would be RM10K or more over budget). I could not say much in that situation as I have not been attending meetings and played only a minor role till that day.

I was thinking of getting her to apologize to the committee as she just insulted all of them as they were not up to her standards. I do not know. I really don't.

On another hand, the evening was more pleasant. We had cell group at Yew's house for the first time in many moons. A good change of venue, a short and confusing but amusing ice-breaker we had, a two-song-praise and worship, and a livelier than usual discussion.

Today's word/discussion was about second chances we get when we accept Jesus, base on John3:1-21. In the end, the message was asking us to reach out to friends and family who are not saved.

Yik then shared a powerful testimony about how as Christians act can affect how non-Christians react. Classic case was when Yik talked to his good friend about Lor's trip to the orang asli, his friend, a Sikh, said that she has a place in heaven. And that was all because he noticed how Lor was willing to serve the Lord. Yik then said it was as though everything fell into place. And for the first time, Yik talked with his friend for 2 hours on the phone regarding God. A thing that never happened before. It was as though the Holy Spirit set everything to happen the way it was.

Cell ended before 11. After that, people set around to hang out before going off. Tadaa.. interesting turn of events, once again.

Most memorable quote the past 2 days, again, not the exact words, but still you will get the gist.
  • What? Most guys would jump on their girlfriend every chance they have! - Al said to me when she found out what I never made out with any of my ex-es.
  • They have toilet there? - when some cell members found out from Wah when he came back from orang asli trip.
  • Oh, it is wild fruits in Kenya - Wah again about durians
Signing off once again. God bless and take care!

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