09 March 2007

How to Sleep AND not Get Scolded

Disclaimer: This is NOT a guide on taking the easy way out but for your info only.

Introduction: I have started working from a 9 or approximately 10 to 5.30 or 7 in the evening basis because of my practical training / industrial training / industrial attachment. It requires me to wake up at about 06.15 and drag my feet until 06.30 before brushing my teeth. Leave the house by 0700 or suffer the penalties of traffic jam.

Since I have a bad habit of sleeping only after 12am, 6 or less hours asleep a day will kill in the long run. So here, is a way to sleep and not get scolded at work, especially by your boss. It will require a lot of preparation on your part and may not guarantee results.

  1. Find a job
  2. Find a job which requires you to travel in between different area.
  3. Find a good boss.
  4. Travelling must be more than 10 minutes to be worth while, try 50 minutes like mine.
  5. Don't be the driver, let your boss, office driver, colleague(s) be.
  6. Choose a comfortable seat in the car.
  7. Get in the car and fall asleep as fast as possible. Otherwise they will start talking to you and you will miss your chance.
  8. At work, find out if there is any thing to do. Otherwise find a cozy spot and fall asleep.
  9. Make good friends with your colleagues (and boss if possible). They will encourage you to sleep if they think you need one.
Voila. Of course, all of these can work provided you don't drink coffee or have already considered all affecting variables. Have to go soon, my bed.. I mean, transport back to the HQ is coming soon.


p.s. I have been reading some online articles instead of sleeping today. Sensitive stuff but more or less insightful and helpful for us all (maybe not all).


Dissociated Mind said...

hahaha... Nice. I like this post.

xiong said...


Indeed it is. But more to come. I will get to travel around more =)