19 September 2005


It is half quarter past two in the morning and I just concluded a discussion with my brother on life issues and perspective. For once, I have been paying at least 50% to what he said and tried to shut up most of the time. A few things I learnt through this discussion:
  • I am the black sheep of the family in terms of thinking. Everyone else (in this family) thinks pretty hard and pretty long.
  • God works in pretty amazing way through the lifes of people.
  • Shut up and it will do you good by listening.
  • Although some people may be struggling with priorities in life, they are still willing to move for God.
  • Someone and my brother said that God's presence should not be in our carreer, safety, food provision, wealth or health, but in EVERYTHING and EVERY PARTS of our life.
Amazing. Simply amazing! Although I think I still have less issues in my life compared to my siblings, they serve God because He was there, is there, and will be there, to see them walk through the dark valleys into the light even if they know or not. Amazing!

OK, time to go get some work done before bedtime. Please pray for us as a family. And oh, for Lor too as she is enjoying herself in Phillipines.



Dissociated Mind said...

Wow. This is inspiring.. for me at least.

Loretta said...

Which korean guy!!!!!!! Aaarrghhh!!

xiong said...

Aiyah, all the foreigners look good lah. Including those two who posted here. ;)

P.s. He speaks good english!