19 May 2006


IF you have the following symptons:
  1. uncontrollable cough
  2. unstopable nose leaking
  3. unbelievable sore throat
  4. unimaginable headache
  5. unceasable sneezing
Then, I am sorry that you have flu. Sorry but you have been registered as a flu virus carrier. Just like me. But no worries, with enough rest and a good Medical Cert (MC) from a good doctor, and the wonderful help of God. All will be gone soon.

oh, Happy B'day Poh! Who is officially 1 year away from being an elligible voter for Malaysia if she comes back from Aussie land. :)

1 comment:

sonia said...

I thought u duwan ur blog already. Haha..

Anyway, get well soon!

Oh, btw, I'm graduating soon! Hehe.. But not thinking of it yet since I still got assignments to do sumore..... -__-