28 July 2005

What a break!

Hmm.. it has been a long time since I last posted and so many things happened in between. There are so many things to tell yet I do not know where to start. But the most exciting thing to tell is about my retreat with the Youth leaders to Penang a week before my asessement, and the initiative I took in talking to the person I am interested.

As for now, I am on holiday while the rest of the world just got back to work and studying. What about my college friends? Hmm.. here is the hard part. I am not that close to any of them. Sure, we can talk, but not close enough to meet them up during the holidays to actually talk. Most would be working part time (I want to too), while the rest would have gone back to their beloved hometown, a small portion are aquaitances in college.

Sigh.. what am I to do? TV is not a very good option mind you. There is only so many hours in a day to keep me entertain. And more so this month is fasting month. I have finally figured out what to fast for, now the thing is to get going.

Well, it is pretty late now. I am saying this when I am on holiday? Kind of silly isn't it? Anyway, more things to come. Good night and God bless!